CSD 8.7 Release Notes

ID Title State Description
614 Dynamic attributes dont save on inserted equipment Done
615 Removal of Tally mode Done Create a Tally mode module, allowing sys adm to hide the Tally mode from the CSD interface.
613 Dynamic attributes on well completion Done It would be nice to have dynamic attributes on well completion; ie pressure in annulus
616 Allow revision number between 0.02 and 1 Done
617 Element Failure Done
618 Element Document Done
622 Make it possible to configure which entities to sync Done
623 Add sort functionality to dynamic attributes Done
624 F5 - Refresh of well hierarchy in WellExpBox Done
625 Threaded loading of global cache and completion data Done
626 CSD crash when drag/drop symbol/part outside CSD in a Citrix window Done
628 Clean up m_fAngle from CElement Done
35 Perforation - Show Open / Closed Done 20190523 KFA: Perforations are now importet from DBR/WellCom. Showing open and closed perf. 20160601 eni: Virker bare dersom man setter en closed date, ikke om man bare huker av closed. Perforation should not disapear form Schematic & Sketch if it's markes Closed. Hei igjen, Det spørs vel hvordan de er stengt... Dersom perforeringene er cementert – kunne en endret fargen til grått....(ikke rødt) Dersom en kun har plugg over de – trenger en ikke endre fargen...selv om status er stengt – er perf tunnelene fortsatt åpne.. Per Ove
620 A required resource was unavailable Done
536 CSD - Change in Shematic, then undo in Sketch tab makes CSD crash. Done
316 Save reason and Remarks blanked out when changing number in Completion input area. Done 20190523 KFA: OK In the Save As dialog: Save reason and Remarks blanked out when changing number in Completion text area.
527 Remove "Change Reason" from Ins. eq. dialog Done Remove "Change Reason" from Inserted equipment dialog
474 View the raw data from external provider Done
100 Effective Length / Total Length Done 20190523 KFA: "Length" is implemented all places, except part dialog. Closing. It is confusing that CSD is not specific regarding lengths - it should specify clearly if it is effective length or total length. This should be implemented in e.g. schematic column header, Item Properties tab & Properties window (included the Inserted Equipment section): Length should be named "Effective Length". In the Item Data tab the Length (joint) text should be renamed to "Total Length (joint)" as in the Part dialog.
312 Message bar appears empty when changing from a message with button to one without button Done
476 Possible to add part without part number (blank part number) Done
629 Rework the caching system to reduce database traffic Done
524 Change header for MD Top in Failure dialog Done 20190524 KFA: The header is now named MD Top, as in the rest of the application. The header for MD top should be changed to reflect that MD Top should be in reference to MSL and not Rig datum.
520 Part - Failure - add Created_by and Modified_by Done Part - Failure: -Add CREATED_BY and MODIFIED_BY. -Click to open the current completion where the failure is registered.
373 Save element containing expired matl. spec. Done
368 Data locked for editing when using Delete mapping Done
304 Part New - Symbol as mandatory field. Done 20190527 KFA: Not able to choose blank in the Symbol dropdown. OK now. When creating new part via Part, New, the field Symbol should be mandatory. As per today, a part can be saved without choosing a symbol.
131 Save TVD values on inserted equipment Done 20190527 KFA: OK Save TVD values on inserted equipment.
143 Partnumber special characters Done 20190527 KFA: Teste ok Når man oppretter en Part med to aprostrofer v siden av hverandre ('') i partnummeret (EKS: 7'' knuttest), så finner man ikke data på delen når partnummeret søkes frem i Part Explorer.
244 Extend codetable merge functionality to Operator and Field Done 20190527 kfa: OK 20160518 obe: ready for testing Extend codetable merge functionality to Operator and Field
59 Properties dialog - When highlighting a WELL in Explorer; show wellbore name(s) Done 10.03.2016:OK Virker i 8.2 men ikke i 8.3 When highlighting a WELL in Explorer; show wellbore name(s) for the latest Existing mode in the Properties dialog: Field, Well, Wellbore(s), Revision...
473 Check list does not show for the correct wellbore when multi lateral Done
631 Report Template admin dialog does not show Done
632 Fix for the selection and drawing speed in schematic. Now exclude symbol, symbolex and mineral zone columns when line(s) selected Done
633 Control line hotspots wrong after scrolling Done
252 Reconnect from well explorer does not work Done
522 Part documents can be added by all users if using drag/drop - Only sysadm should be alowed Done
251 After merging two operators, the field code table dialog will not show the fields Done
247 CSD XML Import Check List error Done When importing an XML file (File->Open), and save as Existing, one sometimes get an error on duplicate check list items.
426 R_WELL_HEAD table contains more than one -- Not Selected -- row Done
422 Should not be allowed to create folders and paste files when well is read only Done
74 Part registration: Drift ID must be smaller than Min. ID Done Part->Data tab. Must include the following check: Drift ID must be less than Min. ID. Today CSD only checks on Drift ID must be below Max. OD. (This check should also be active).
391 ExternalProvider for DBR - various issues Done